1·Q. You handled a really dangerous opponent really well today, didn't you?
2·You know, she's a very dangerous opponent, especially in a first-round match. So I knew what to expect.
3·I'd suggest that a more dangerous opponent is the one who is smarter - not necessarily always the one who is bigger.
4·The number of dangerous mistakes we have made before and since the outbreak of war because we do not understand the opponent with whom we are faced is appalling.
5·It's not unusual for your opponent to send you dual lane mid and send their solo to another lane if it can't cope with yours or your solo hero is dangerous and needs to get shut down early.
6·Be that as it may, nothing will more swiftly unite two previous foes in a common front if they are threatened by a potential enemy perceived to be more dangerous than their erstwhile opponent.
7·Attacking multiple pieces is dangerous. Your opponent could make a stick move.
8·Squash can be dangerous if your opponent has a long follow-through.
9·But he added: "This kind of opponent is very dangerous. It's always very difficult to play against that kind of team. You have to be very aware of the situation they are in."